- We follow a set progressive timetable across all forms within the KS to support consistency in delivery, provide a rounded experience and help prepare students for KS4 and beyond.
- We liaise with the council and other schools to make sure that the materials delivered to students are up to date and current.
- Staff are offered opportunities to attend CPD and are encouraged to have a specialised area to support other colleagues.
- Best practice is shared amongst colleagues within the year teams and materials are shared.
- In house CPD is shared on sensitive areas – some whole school, some optional drop ins.
- Each lesson is taught to build on the next which will then progress throughout each year.
- Same as However some more sensitive and mature topics delivered. Staff supported prior to delivery and materials given to support quality and consistency.
- Topics given to tutors the year ahead to allow for
- Students to evidence learning within their books as a brief
Students throughout their learning journey will complete sessions using the MindMate scheme. This is a spiral SEMH curriculum from KS1 to KS4. It is divided into 6 themes covering issues that children may be presented with and experience in their lives:
- Feeling good and being me
- Friends and Family
- Life Changes
- Strong Emotions
- Being the same and being different
- Solving Problems