- Overall KS3 Scheme of Learning is shared with department staff, all lessons are provided with key words. Teaching staff have discretion to develop or use their own musical examples and Teaching and Learning activities.
- Teaching staff use data to inform planning and teaching to ensure that all students are challenged and able to access learning.
- Throughout the Scheme of Learning lessons will include elements of Performing Music, Composing Music and Understanding Music. Musical learning at KS3 is often built around six main strands, which are interrelated and overlapping. These are:
- singing
- composing
- improvising
- playing
- critical engagement,
- social, moral, spiritual, and cultural
- Teachers use a range of targeted questioning techniques and activities to develop students oracy, particularly using key vocabulary.
- Musicality is the foundation of every lesson. Each student may have a different musical journey and this will be obvious.
- A large portion of many lessons is centred around Informal and Formal learning where students may be given independent rehearsal time. Teacher will monitor, facilitate, coach etc dependant of the requirements of the musician.
- Students and staff take the use of musical equipment safely and make time for the set up/break down of rehearsal spaces.
- Staff support, challenge, and encourage pupils to bring in their musical skills and enthusiasm from beyond the classroom.
- Formal written home learning is not set, however practice and attendance at extracurricular to develop musicianship is.
- Teaching staff follow the AQA GCSE Specification and an agreed long-term plan with department head.
- Teaching staff use data to inform planning and teaching to ensure that all students are challenged and able to access learning.
- Lessons may be completely dedicated to coursework components. Teaching staff will monitor, coach, facilitate and lead dependant on the stage of individual learners. Reflective practice is completed at the end of each session to develop oracy and written aspect with key vocabulary.
- PINS is used minimum of every 8 lessons in line with Teaching and Learning policies. Teachers have discretion to explore interesting methods of assessment for formative assessment for Learning.
Formal summative assessments include a marked sheet clearly using PINS and the specification criteria.