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For Parents and Carers

CNAT Enterprise & Marketing

Type of subject:  Vocational

This subject goes well with: Maths, English, art and design, creative imedia but, in practice, almost anything.

If you pass this course you could achieve:

Level 1: Pass, Merit, Distinction

Level 2: Pass, Merit, Distinction, Distinction*

Example of topics studied:

Enterprise and marketing concepts; designing a business proposal.  You will market and pitch a business proposal.  You will understand the main activities that will need to happen to support a start-up business.  You will develop the skills to design a business proposal to meet a specific business challenge. You will develop the skills to create a brand identity and promotional plan for your specific business product proposal.

How is the course assessed?

There are portfolios of work to produce and one external examination. 50% portfolio (2 units), 50% exam (1 unit).

Additional information: 

No prior knowledge is required but a genuine interest in enterprise and marketing is desirable.

This is a good subject to choose if you wish to develop applied knowledge and practical skills in enterprise and marketing.  It is designed with both practical and theoretical elements, which will prepare students for further study of qualifications in enterprise, marketing or business. This course also opens doors to progression into further study (Level 3) or responsibility within the workplace.  

Who should I talk to if I want to ask about this subject?

Mr T Ditta